Thank-you for choosing to give your child the valued opportunity to learn a musical instrument with Treble’s Music.

Please note that while we endeavour to give you the highest level of service, the following policy and procedures are non negotiable and are set in place to maintain stability and consistency in the running of Treble’s Music Studio.

ENROLMENT: Once you have enrolled it is continuous, you do not need to re-enrol. All lessons will resume the following term.  If you are wanting to cancel lesson then notification must be made by the end of the previous term, once a term has commenced full term fees are to be paid. Regular lessons are aligned with the school term and break over the school holidays. 

FEES: Fees are invoiced monthly, 14 days before the 1st of the month for the month in advance and payed via autopay through your nominated Credit/Debit Card unless otherwise stated. If your payment is rejected and not paid, then further lessons will cease until full payment is made with a 10% late fee added after 14 days. There is a $40 yearly administration fee per family.

INDIVIDUAL LESSONS: If you are going to be absent for your individual lesson, please notify us through the portal and the teacher will submit a LessonMate in place of your in-person lesson.  LessonMate is an online lesson recorded by your teacher specifically for you during your lesson time. Once created you will receive a link via email to open your lesson. 

GROUP LESSONS: A LessonMate will only be created for a Group Class if the whole group or teacher is unable to attend the lesson.  If you are absent from your group lesson please see the lesson notes on the portal to keep up with what you have missed. 

We do not offer refunds or credits for missed lessons.

SICKNESS: All staff reserve the right to refuse services if a student turns up to a lesson sick. Please do not send sick children to lessons as it puts our staff and other students at risk of illness. Please notify your teacher via the portal (lesson cancellation).

STUDIO LESSONS: We are not a child minding service. It is your responsibility as parent/guardian to drop off and pick up your child/children from the Studio at your scheduled time. If a child leaves Treble’s Music Studio by themselves, this is not the responsibility of the teacher or Treble’s Music Studio. Parents/Guardians are most welcome and encouraged to sit in on lessons, but please keep noise and movement to a minimum especially if you have other children with you. Staff and teachers are not medically trained, if it is deemed necessary they will call an ambulance if a medical situation arises. We will take all care in regard to all lost property, but will not accept responsibility for any items left or broken in the studio. Please note that Treble’s Music Studio will NOT under any circumstances accept responsibility for administering medication of any type, including non-prescription medication. Teachers have the right to refuse a lesson if the student arrives under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

From time to time we give out lollies or alike as prizes. Occasionally we take photo’s of classes for promotional purposes. Please let us know in writing if you do not wish for you/your child to receive rewards or have their photo/video taken for studio promotions.

Please accept these terms and conditions upon your enrolment or the enrolment of your child with Treble’s Music Studio.  Using our services means you are in agreement with the above policy.


Group Lesson Package (30 min)

$28 per student weekly (+GST, excludes school holidays)


Treble’s 30min group class

Treble's Muso Music Book

Downloadable resources

Treble’s Music Portal access

Free student Studio Concert Ticket

Individual Lesson Package

$39 weekly (+GST, excludes school holidays) 


Individual 30min lesson on selected instrument 

Treble’s Music Portal access

Free student Studio Concert Ticket

*Music books not included